Sunday, February 27, 2005

Oscars ruined


As I run screaming from the room, it just keeps getting worse.

There's no wonder that Beyonce and Bad both start with B.
After a few songs I was thinking, "Ah, she's not that bad."
But then she sang with Josh Groban, and she just sounded bad, bad, bad. It did not work.
And yet, it got worse!!

They brought Prince on to give the Best Song Actor.
He looked horrible, he sounded horrible, he's a freak.
I should have turned it off...


Actually enjoying the Oscars this year...

The dresses have been tame...
Chris Rock not too offensive...
Acceptance speeches not too long...

Now if I had only seen any of these movies that keep on winning awards!

Ray, Finding Neverland, Aviator, Sideways--haven't seen any of them

Oh well.


Do you really browse the internet anymore?
I've found that mostly I don't. I have 10-20 sites that I check on a daily or few times a week basis. Shopping sites, news sites, computer stuff, etc.

Other than that, I don't get "out" on the internet that much.
Good thing? yea, mostly. less waste of time.
Bad thing? yea, nothing cool to post in my blog. ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

sleep and waking

Why is it hard to wake up in the morning...

it seems to be a function of when..
But, not when you went to bed, or how long you slept, but solely, when you wake up....

and, it's different for everyone, unfortunately for me, the time when it starts to get easy to wak up is well into the normal working day... :(

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

think people think!

sometimes people do not think, which is annoying because while I think, I can't think of everything for me and you.

I was supposed to work in an office tonight for someone. Spoke with them. Got passwords. Made it very clear I'd be working there tonight. Of course I show up, it's dark, it's locked. Key that worked a year ago no longer works. Now, why didn't they think about that?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

bookmarks are a pain

bookmarks are a pain

one of those necessary evils. Or are they Favorites? Either way, they are simply ways to remember somewhere you've been and want to go again.

Don't you have bookmarks all over the place? Have a big collection at work, and wish you could find something at home that you know is there at work? Switch work/home/school around any way you wish and we've been there.

Lately I've been using a site called, strangely enough
Yes, it is delicious, but it works. Warning, it's not the fastest site.

Basically, you have an account, add links, categorize links, and use.
2 reasons why it's good.
They give you links to add to your favorites to add a site you are on to your favorites on delicious. (commas intentionally left out of previous sentence to confuse you)
And, it's an easy to remember address.

mine is

yea, tough.

oh wait, another reason. It shows you others who have the exact same bookmark as you! Yes, people do. But wait, if they have a bookmark the same, maybe they are interested in the same stuff, and have better links than you!! Well, steal em.

fun tip for the day.

initial blog...

Why blog anyway? Yea, I want to put my thoughts out there for my friends, my family, but for the whole world to stumble upon while lost in backwater cyberspace: I don't think so.

But here it is.
I'll write. I'll compose. I'll dream.
All for anyone to see, and yet most won't.

Here's to not offending everyone all of the time.